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Posted by: Kay (IP Logged)
Date: August 30, 2004 05:47PM

Hi Erwin,
I have two questions. First, since an unbalanced rib cage seems to be a cause of asthma, why doesn't my oldest daughter, who has a 30 degree scoliosis, have asthma? And also, I had my other daughter, who does have asthma, lay on the floor as in the diagram on the website, so that I could see if her right side was lower than the left, but she is so big busted that I couldn't tell a thing. How do you check for this on a woman? Thanks.

Re: scoliosis
Posted by: Erwin Hermans (IP Logged)
Date: August 31, 2004 08:06AM

Dear Kay,

Thanks for your visit on our forum. I will give you my answers
1. It is not an unbalanced rib cage that causes asthma, but a chondrocostal subluxation to the posterior side of certain ribs, this in combination with a desequilibration of the complete spine with blocks on certain specific levels in the spine. The reason why your daughter doesn't have asthma is because she doesn't have (yet) the combination of this certain blocks from top till toe. Maybe her body is in good postural balance at the moment but suddenly it could change, which we can't predict.

2. The ribs we check start immediately under the clavicle and descend towards the breast. Only a trained person will see or feel the differences in position and movement. So I can imagine that it is not that obvious for you to test this with your daughter. Try to put your hands flat on the chest just below the clavicle, let the fingertips point to the middle (not downwards) and then you must be able to see or feel a difference in postion left and right.

I hope this helps

Best regards,

Erwin Hermans

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